The role of Egyptian Ministry of Tourism in handling guest complaints and its impact on guest satisfaction and revisit intention

Document Type : Original Article


1 Hotels studies department, faculty of tourism and hotels, Suez Canal University

2 Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Suez Canal University

3 Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Suez Canal University


This study aims to evaluate the procedures of the Ministry of Tourism in dealing with complaints of hotel guests and study their impact on the level of their satisfaction, and the intention to revisit hotels. The data was collected through a survey form distributed to a simple random sample of some guest complaints received by the Ministry against some hotel establishments. The number of questionnaires valid for statistical analysis was 236. in addition to conducting personal interviews with some inspectors and managers at the Ministry of Tourism specialized in dealing with complaints for the sample under study. Data analyzed using SPSS version 22, Smart PLS3 version (V.3.2.7) and qualitative was used to obtain the results. The results indicated that the process of handling hotel guest complaints affects guest satisfaction and their the intention to revisit, i.e. the complaints management system is not sufficient alone to achieve the intention of revisiting without achieving guest satisfaction, and this appeared through the indirect relationship between the two variables, which confirms the need for guest satisfaction as a mediator and a determining factor for that relationship. The thereby recommends providing some solutions to effectively deal with hotel guest complaints to achieve guest satisfaction and loyalty and thus improve the intention to revisit hotels again
