Mitigating the Impact of Organizational Politics on Knowledge Hiding in the Tourism and Hotel Industry: The Roles of Trust in Leadership and Distributive Justice

Document Type : Original Article


1 Hotel Studies Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Mansoura University, Egypt.

2 Hotel Management Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Hurghada University, Egypt

3 Tourism Studies Department, High Institute of Tourism and Hotels EGOTH, Egypt

4 Hotel Studies Department, Higher Institute of Tourism and Hotels in 6th of October City.


This study explores the impact of organizational politics on knowledge-hiding behavior within hotel and tourism enterprises, focusing on the moderating roles of trust in leadership and distributive justice. Data were gathered from full-time employees working at Category A travel agencies and five-star hotels in the Greater Cairo region of Egypt. To test the proposed model, the study employed the PLS-SEM statistical method to analyze 424 valid responses. The results revealed a positive correlation between perceptions of organizational politics and knowledge-hiding behavior. Moreover, both distributive justice and trust in leadership were found to moderate the relationship between POP and KHB, suggesting that these factors weaken the impact of organizational politics on knowledge hiding. This research contributes to the field of hospitality and tourism management by providing a deeper understanding of the factors that impede knowledge sharing and offering insights into organizational mechanisms that can foster a more collaborative and transparent work environment.
