The Impact of Inflight Food Service Quality on Passenger Satisfaction in Egyptian Airlines

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of tourism and hotel management

2 Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University

3 faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University


The environment in which businesses operate has changed due to globalization and fierce competition. The quality of in-flight food and beverage is without a doubt one of the most important needs for consumers to have a pleasant flight experience in the full-service airline sector. The current study successfully addressed this omission using empirical methods to find favorable relationships between airline meal service, contentment, loyalty, re-flying intention, and several quality characteristics of in-flight food and beverage (core, external, and delivery). The methodology of this study depended on an online survey used to collect the data. The questionnaire was delivered to general air travelers in Egypt. For those travelers who had used food and beverage services, a total of 360 responses were obtained. These cases were the final sample size of the study and were thus used for data analysis.
The results specifically supported the effectiveness of the higher-order structure of in-flight food and beverage quality, which significantly raises passengers' opinions of the airline's degree of satisfaction on following trips.
