Impact of Technological Application Adoption on Performance Efficiency: Testing Mediation and Moderation Roles

Document Type : Original Article


1 Demonstrator, Department of Hotel Management Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, October 6University

2 Higher Institute of Tourism and Hotels, King Mariout, Alexandria, Egypt

3 faculty of tourism and hotel management

4 Faculty of Tourism and Hotels ,Fayoum University


This study aims to investigate the impact of technological applications on performance efficiency in hotels in Marsa Alam, while examining the mediating and moderating roles . The research relies on analyzing the relationship between the tasks of technological applications and operational efficiency, with a focus on the impact of these applications in improving performance quality, accelerating task execution, and reducing errors. Data was collected from hotel employees in Marsa Alam using questionnaires. However, 20 out of 271 collected questionnaires were excluded due to insufficient responses, resulting in 251 valid questionnaires. These were analyzed using SPSS v22 and SmartPLS v3. The results revealed a statistically significant positive relationship between the use of technological applications and increased operational efficiency, with user-friendly applications having a notable impact on job performance. The study also found that technical challenges and resistance to change may affect user expectations regarding expected benefits, but they do not significantly influence improvements in operational efficiency. The study recommends improving the design of technological applications and increasing continuous training for employees to ensure maximum benefit, and emphasizes the need to foster a culture of technology acceptance among staff to enhance overall performance in hotels.
