The impact of digital marketing on customer satisfaction and future purchase intention within cloud kitchens

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Tourism and Hotels: 6th of October University: 6th of October City

2 faculty of tourism and hotel management

3 كلية السياحة والفنادق ، جامعة حلوان القاهرة

4 Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management October 6 University


This study aims to explore the impact of digital marketing on customer satisfaction and future purchase intention within the context of cloud kitchens by analyzing the direct and indirect relationships between study variables using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Several hypotheses were tested to determine the impact of digital marketing elements such as product awareness, ease of use, information privacy and security, customer compliance, feedback, and the customer-brand relationship on customer satisfaction, and how this satisfaction influences future purchase intention. The study targeted the management of 13 cloud kitchens in Egypt and collected data through an electronic survey from a random sample of 447 customers. The data were analyzed using ADANCO-PLS v.2.3 software. The results revealed that digital marketing, overall, has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, which in turn reflects on future purchase intention. Additionally, the findings showed that product awareness, ease of use, information privacy and security, customer compliance, feedback, and the customer-brand relationship all have significant effects on customer satisfaction, which positively affects purchase intention. The study provides strong evidence that overall satisfaction plays a crucial role in enhancing future purchase intention, as the results demonstrated that overall satisfaction partially mediates the relationship between digital marketing and purchase intention in cloud kitchens. These findings enhance the understanding of how digital marketing strategies impact customer experience and their future purchasing behaviors toward cloud kitchen services, offering valuable insights for practitioners and researchers in this field.
